
Blogging, Writing.. Terrifies Me!header

Not just a fear of writing in public… A fear of writing in general… As bad as my writing is now.  It was MUCH MUCH worse in the past.  If it wasn’t for my wife writing my term papers in college, I would have NEVER graduated.  I don’t know grammar, don’t know much about punctuation and thank god for spell check.  I tend to leave out words when I write and fill words in when I re-read my writing. A bad combination.  I don’t know why.  I just do. Bottom line I just can’t write very well.  I’ve said for a long time I need to re-do elementary thru college writing skills.  I say I need to re-learn but I never do anything about it.

What I do write now is 10000000% better than it was for a good part of my life. I remember when email first came out I was TERRIFIED.  (Yes I remember a world before email and cell phones!)  I’d spent an hour just writing one or two lines.  I didn’t want to look stupid if I could help it. When I did make a mistake, I used humor to cover it up.  As if I never would never make that kind of mistake.  HA..

My problem (self esteem, self inflicted) was that much worse since my wife is a great writer.  She can spew off a 5 page answer to a 1 line question.  (i.e. goes over board).  Writing comes naturally to her.

So why do I write a blog… The more I write (good or bad) the easier it is for me to do.  While I know Bad Practice doesn’t make Perfect, it’s a start for me.  I feel like I’m almost to the point of taking writing classes.  Meaning I won’t totally embarrass myself. Humm.. I just had a thought.  My lack of writing skills and the way I hide and ignore it, is somewhat similar to people who can’t read.

Blogging and writing has gotten easier since I started.  So be patient with me and understand this isn’t easy me.

P.S. For everyone’s benefit I didn’t have anyone else proof this article. That was on purpose.  When I re-read it, I did find 5-10 words that just got left out between my brain and my fingers typing. I corrected those.  I did a quick spell check on posted the article.